Amenities: The scoreboard is great. The food is great. The concourses
are wide. This park doesn't get enough credit for the amenities it has, because Camden Yards was better. The lower deck seats
are nicely sloped, so views are good. Now that they've renovated U.S. Cellular, even the upper deck isn't that high. The outfield
concourse has a carnival feel to it. It is fun, and is filled with great sights and sounds.
History: This was the original modern park, not Camden Yards.
Old Comiskey was a great park, but this was needed. Sparky Anderson noted in opening day 1991 that everyone would want a new
park like Comiskey, and he was certainly right. This park was outdone by others, and in 2001, an improvement project began
that has now been completed, and but for not having much of a view and being in a bad area, this is one of the best parks
in baseball.
Location: It's in a bad area, away from downtown. There is virtually
no view, because it is blocked out by billboards and scoreboards. There is quite a bit of parking at the park, though.
Atmosphere: The crowds are somewhat small, but very blue collar
and fun. This is a hitter's park, so the crowds have a lot to cheer for, and they tend to stay to the end of games, but that
creates quite a traffic problem.
Aesthetics: The exterior is unique, and office building-like.
Blue seats and black painted steel make this park look sharp, classy, and good for the White Sox. The field is bright and
beautiful. It has been noted as having the best infield in the American League. There is now a kids' park in left, which seems
to be popular.